The Explorer Track

An introduction to Digital Humanities concepts and projects

Is this track for you?

The EXPLORER track is open to anyone starting out with digital scholarship in Humanities or Social Sciences or related fields. There is no limit on the number of participants and anyone is welcome, but the focus will be on the South African context and we therefore specifically welcome those affiliated with universities or research organisations in South Africa. No previous experience with digital scholarship or computational research required. We welcome anyone interested to learn more!

What will you learn?

A monthly virtual DH Colloquium where an invited guest or guests talk about their research projects that include digital/computational aspects. The monthly meetup includes time for Q&A with speaker(s).

The track also offers a range of curated video play lists that explains some concepts related to digital and computational scholarship. For other useful resources, please take a look at our curated list of training materials and courses.


Join the monthly DH Colloquium to meet community members, learn about specific projects and initiatives, and ask questions. Learn more about the events on the SADiLaR website.


Watch recordings from past colloquia and relevant videos in our playlists at your own pace. For more detailed resources, please refer to our curated list of training materials and courses.


Join our Slack Workspace to get to know the community and gain exposure to conversations about digital and computational research in the humanities and social sciences.

ESCALATOR YouTube Playlists

Curated playlists showcasing resources created by people from all over the world

Many of the topics listed below are tightly connected to each other and you’ll find that some of the categories are a bit cosmetic. We hope that by creating these different playlists, newcomers to digital and computational research will find it easier to compile a big picture of what it all entails. The topics covered here could also serve as prompts or conversation starters and encourage deeper discussion within your research group or institution.

The playlists are under constant development. If you would like to suggest other topics to include or know of good video clips that illustrate these concepts well (especially shorter video clips with an African or South African focus), please let us know.