The ESCALATOR Digital Champions Initiative is a multi-track mentorship and networking programme that complements our other activities. The programme is open to researchers, professional staff, and students from the 26 public universities and research councils in South Africa. Each track offers a unique learning opportunity to support community members' distinct needs and motivations. Tracks differ based on the target audience, expected learning outcomes, engagement strategies, number of participants that can be accommodated, committment expected from participants, and duration.
The Digital Champions Initiative will be rolled out in a phased approach to harness the strengths of our growing community optimally. For more detail on each track, click on the links below. We will also shortly share a side-by-side comparison of the different tracks.
An introduction to Digital Humanities concepts and projects
Learn about the vast landscape of digital scholarship and start applying it to your own work
Develop more advanced digital skills by applying it to a humanities or social sciences project
Discover resources that can facilitate the development of a local community of practice
* Launching in 2023
Master skills in developing contextualised open educational resources
Join a community of womxn using digital and computational skills
Resources and information to support management with decision making, budgeting, and partnering to grow digital and computational skills in their units
* Coming soon
Scholars from computational sciences can learn more about working in humanities or social sciences contexts (e.g. data, pitfalls, vocabulary, …)
* Coming soon
A track for citizens and high school students to learn about digital humanities and computational social sciences